Saturday 18 May 2013

Hair Dye Misshap

Good Morning!
I know I said I wouldn't be posting anything for a while but I wasn't anticipating my hair dye to come along so quickly and I planned doing a thread about it on BeeUnique forum but something odd happened so I thought that I would make a post about as it kind of relates to arty things? I don't know I'll post on my general blog  link is under personal blog to the right) too. So for almost a year now I've been dying my hair blue, at first I used multiple colours and tried all sorts. In August the sun bleached my hair and the dye faded to point where it was barely blue and I died all of my Crazy Colour Capri Blue. 

The colour looks as if it's going to be almost navy blue but I discovered that after rinsing it out it becomes much lighter and is the exact colour I want. 

I'm on the right, first day of new roots between sept-oct
Near base blonde before CC Capri Blue

The green I used
When I died it was almost on a blonde base so there wasn't much resistance between my hair and the colour, the dye lasted for 2 months with perfect colour, the roots just needed touching up and the rest of my hair just didn't seem to fade, it was brilliant blue permanently! I've been doing this up until last month where I decided to touch my roots up with green instead of blue and it looked lovely.

The green- blue mix.
 I went on holiday to sunny California so my hair faded rather quickly, including some blue that had been there for months. 
Me(left) Jude, my sister (centre) and my mum (right) and this was only 5 days fade!

So, the other day, after about 4 more weeks of fade I died the top half of my head blue and the bottom half green. I was expecting the dye to turn out the way it always has but instead after the first wash it went a more teal colour. The stupid pose photo was taken on the first day at night and the second just now, yes I am wearing the same shirt, it's my rub-off shirt, the back neck is very blue. 

Supermodel Pose!!

I like it but I'm confused, did they change the ingredients for the dye? was it because there wasn't a near permanent blue base? was it the faded green? I'm not sure. 

Do you have any experiences with this? Please comment below and tell me. 
See you soon

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