Thursday 1 August 2013

There's No Time, No Time At All!!!

Hello Readers,

This post is half about one of my favourite games and half, a last ditch attempt to get a kickstarter project completed.

In the year 2000 a guy named American McGee (yes that's his real name, awesome right?) designed a game for the PC called American McGee's Alice, which is a twisted unofficial sequel to Alice and Wonderland as well as Through the Looking Glass. It's art style was gorgeous, the music was fantastic and story was so thick it was fantastic. The game was developed by Rogue Entertainment and published by EA, Electronic Arts. The idea that Wonderland has been twisted was so dark but works so well. It's honestly one of my all time favourite settings to anything, films, books or games. The story is that Alice's house burnt down killing all of her family with the exception of her and she goes insane and is admitted to an asylum. You have to work your way through wonderland to get your mind back as the damage to her mind has caused damage to Wonderland.

I haven't actually managed to complete this game yet as I couldn't find a copy of the game for PC when I had one and when I switched to Mac I thought I wouldn't be able to play, but alas, when the sequel came out you could get a free download for this game when you bought the sequel, I was too excited for the sequel and just decided to go back to this game afterwards.

The sequel, Alice: Madness Returns, was released in 2011 by Spicy Horse ( a company run by American McGee) and EA again. This is one I've completed and oh my god I love it. I love it so much I've designed a tattoo for it all ready! After it is clear that Alice is no longer "insane" enough for the Asylum she is taken to an orphanage run by a therapist for young people. She still retreats to wonderland where she learns it's still just as twisted as before. There is a force named the Infernal Train which is racing through Wonderland causes destruction to Wonderland and her mind. You must stop it.

The game has the most interesting themes about what's right and wrong, what deserves to be punished or free to go. There is a lovely bizarre overlap between "reality" and Wonderland and with memories coming back to Alice you start putting pieces together to work out what's going on.  This really is probably the most beautiful game to me and the story had me so intrigued I was almost addicted.

American McGee has made it clear that he want's to make a third game to complete Alice's story but only if people want it. To see if people want more Alice he made a Kickstarter, but not for a game, a film.  The art style is gorgeous and he has all of the same people working for the film as he did the game, including  with some extra's he's determined to make it like a feature length cut scene. But he needs a lot of money to turn a game studio into a film studio without the help of EA who doesn't see it profitable. If there is enough interest for a third game as well as a film
then it is said it might be possible.

The film will be called Alice: Otherlands as Alice will be exploring other important minds of the time period to see what goes on in their heads. A couple of names mentioned is Bram Stoker, Jack the Ripper, Charles Darwin and many more. The goal is $200,000 and recently released stretch goal of $250,000 to get the original voice actors of Alice and Cheshire Cat. There will be an art book as well as a soundtrack out of this money too.  There are three days to go and I really hope it manages to reach it's goal and I urge you to help by spreading the word and even donating yourself. The page to donate has a lot more information as well as more sample work and a listing of rewards. Below is a couple of concept art images that are absolutely beautiful

and donate and share because it is a fantastical world that will challenge how you see the world and question the idea of sanity as well as wonder about your own Wonderland.

Thanks for reading and if you share this, thank you so much
Bye now

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